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Best Trees and Shrubs for Privacy Screening in Cumming, Ga

Kevin McBrayer

Cumming, GA Privacy Trees

When planting for privacy, there are several things to take into consideration when selecting plants. When choosing plants for privacy, make sure they are evergreen (do not lose foliage during fall/winter).

Light Conditions - How much light does the area receive? Some trees and shrubs only grow in full sun, while others will tolerate some shade. Each plant has different needs. Do your research on potential plants before purchasing and installing.

Watering - How are you going to water your new trees? Consider your water source. New plants will need supplemental watering for the first 2 to 3 years, with the first year being the most crucial to help establish.

Time - How soon do you need the plants to provide privacy? Smaller plants will require more time to establish and create screening, yet will be cheaper to install. Larger plants will help you achieve a natural plant fence quicker. Closer spacing can also help you achieve screening faster. Some plants also have a fast growth rate than others.

Budget - You can purchase shrubs and trees in many different sizes. The bigger the plant, the bigger the price tag. For larger trees, like 10' and 12' trees or taller, the price can go up exponentially. Larger trees also require special equipment to plant. Big box stores may sell trees as small as 2' tall. Most local nurseries sizes start around 4' to 6' tall. We recommend planting trees with a minimum height of 5' to 6'. These trees will be a more mature than smaller trees and will have a better survival rate and look better than their smaller counterpart.

Below we have listed a few good choices for plants for a natural, screening fence.


Anise - Anise does well in full sun or shade. Anise is deer resistant and has fragrant flowers.

Aucuba - Aucuba is a great plant for screening in the shade. Gold Dust or Picturata are two varieties of Aucuba we love to plant.

Camellias - There are many varieties of Camellias. Some do well in sun while others do well in shade. They also provide some great color when flowering.

Ligustrum - Also known as Privet, Ligustrums have a fast growth rate. They create tall, dense screening in full sun. Their dense foliage makes them an excellent candidate for a screening shrub.

Loropetalum - Loropetalums are available in several different varieties with various sizes at maturity as well as foliage and flower color. They add color to the landscape with their red foliage and bright pink fringe flower in the spring. Some varieties will reach 10' to 15' tall or more.

Tea Olive - Tea Olives are some of the most fragrant shrubs in landscapes in the south. They can grow 4" to 12" per year. Their dense foliage makes them an excellent candidate for a screening shrub.


Green Giant Arborvitae - Green Giants are fast growing trees, growing as much as 3' in height per year. They can reach about 50' to 60' in height and 12' to 20' in width at maturity.

Yoshino Cryptomeria - Thes fast-growing specimens can reach 30' to 40' tall and 20' to 30' wide. It's texture provides some great interest in the landscape.

Emerald Green Arborvitae - When you need screening in tight space, these are a perfect choice. They have a moderate growth rate, reaching 15' tall and only 4' in diameter. We use these often. Due to their slender width, they need to be spaced close together for screening, about 3' - 4' apart.

Little Gem Magnolia - Little Gems provide all the charm of a southern Magnolia, but in a smaller size. They are a slow grower with a growth rate of less than 12" per year and achieve 15' to 20' in height and 7' to 10' in width at maturity.

Oak Leaf Holly - Oak Leaf Hollies are fast growing and dense, achieving 14' in height and 8' in width at maturity. Pyramidal in shape. They also have a neat looking leaf, making them a great choice for a Holly for variety in your tree screening planting.

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